Donating $150 to Haiti as Part of Indie+Relief

The final sales numbers are in for White Peak Software. $150 was raised by our customers as part of Indie+Relief. A big THANKS to all who participated.

Because it is such a good cause I decided to do something a little different. The original plan was to donate all proceeds from the sales on January 20. However, additional processing fees are taken out of each transaction - 30% to Apple and 15% to eSellerate. I decided I will donate the cost of the transaction fees myself.

Here is a breakdown of sales for the donation:

ProductUnits SoldUnit CostTotal

Labor Mate 42 $0.99 $41.58

Killink CSV Editor 3 $27.00 $81.00

SMTP Diagnostics 2 $11.95 $23.90

Grand Total


I rounded the grand total up to $150. The money has been donated to Doctors Without Borders as part of the emergency relief for Haiti.

Finally, I want to send a big THANKS for Justin Williams of Second Gear Software for coming up with the idea and Garrett Murray who built the Indie+Relief web site. Both individuals put a great deal of time and effort to make this event happen in just a matter of days.