Building Web Service Powered iPhone Apps

Tags: 360idev, Last month I had the fortunate opportunity to talk at 360idev. My talk was on using web services in iPhone apps. The talk got off to a bad start due to various technical issues, the biggest issue caused when my MacBook Pro and the projector would not talk with one another. This caused my talk to start late which meant I had to skip some of the details I wanted to cover.

Another issue came up with I tried to demo a RESTful web service call to Twitter using HTTP Client. Twitter reported the request limit had been reached for the IP address. This meant I had to skip over the Twitter related demos. Lucky for me, the rest of the presentation and demos ran smoothly.

For those who may have missed the presentation, the fine folks at 360idev have posted a video recording of the session available for purchase. You can also download the sample source code and the Keynote presentation file from my 360idev repository hosted on github.